Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ice cream (preferably the kinds that are not actually ice cream at all) and pitas are the only two foods that go straight to your biceps.  Ice cream sandwiches have already been invented, and are delicious.  Pitas are better than sandwiches because they have more stuff in them in less space so it is like sandwiches took steroids.

Conclusion = ice cream pitas would be the most delicious things, and would give you extra large biceps on a healthy diet of them.

Now that that has been explained, let me introduce myself.

I hate people who blog.  Not people who talk about useful things, but people who waste (r)e-al estate with musings about their dog's new jacket or how cute their kitteh is (cats are cute, we get it).

I hate rants.  Rants are stupid.  They are pretentious and solve nothing.  Instead people should be proactiv (advertise here please) and do something about it, but NOOO they don't, they talk about it instead in a loud voice and in runon sentences and big walls of text which hurt my eyes because I need pictures to keep things interesting (don't we all) which is why blogs and rants with funny pictures lead to millions of hits per month for people who blog. 

I await profit.